(508) 341-7075
InfinitSky Architectural Starfields

Industry Comparison

We invite you to compare our products with “other” traditional starfields on the market today.

We are confident that you’ll find no other starfield can compare to the features, advantages and beauty of our StarDomes™ and StarTiles™.

Please review our comparison charts below to see the difference.


InfinitSky Architectural Starfields


Art, Architecture, Lighting, Astronomy & Elegance


InfinitSky Architectural Starfields


Create your experience…with StarDomes™ and StarTiles™

InfinitSky Architectural Starfields

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Where are you going to put your fiber optic StarDome™?

Our StarDome™ and StarTileArchitectural Starfields are a new and exciting way to put the WOW! in any room.

These pre-assembled domes will add splendor and beauty while providing a soft, elegant mood light.


Create your experience...with StarDomes™ and StarTiles™

InfinitSky Architectural Starfields
InfinitSky Architectural Starfields